This SPECIAL TERMS OF USE regulates the general conditions for posting various content and testing the functionality of OOTOPIA`s beta application on all access platforms and visibility channels.
The installation of the beta OOTOPIA app (beta OO app) gives you the special opportunity to test its beta version with your own existing, exclusive or differentiated content (regen stories) linked to the emerging planetary regenerative movement and thus not only contribute substantially to its technological development mapping code failures (bugs), as well as improving its interface and user experience (UI/UX).
Sole paragraph: whenever this document is updated, a notice will be posted so that you are aware of the changes and can decide whether or not to agree.
Basic assumptions to be part of OOTOPIA's app beta-test
Complete registration of the oo-tester, in which case, OOTOPIA will treat the information provided in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
In case the oo-tester is under 18 (eighteen) years old, or not fully capable for the acts of civil life, under the terms complied within the Brazilian Civil Code, must, necessarily, obtain the permission of the legal representative (parents or guardians), the qualifier will be considered the only responsible for their actions.
Role of OO-Testers for the evolution of the OO beta app
Due to the critical nature of any beta-test, the OOTOPIA co-creators in general, as well as the technology developers of the OO beta app, place full trust in the guest oo-testers, giving them full freedom of testing, as long as they comply with the provisions of this Term, also respecting the current ethical and moral standards.
It will be through the critical and careful use of the oo-tester that technology and design developers will be able to fix bugs, create or disable features, as well as release new versions.
In order to generate real proximity between the oo-testers and the technological developers of OOTOPIA, they, together with the invitation to install the beta OO app, received a second invitation to download the discord application, the platform where the current environment can be found OOTOPIA's digital relational framework.
This environment has a text channel called beta-mode and audio/videoconference - which is accessed through an invitation and so you can share your impressions, criticisms, doubts, and insights.
In addition to this channel, oo-testers will also have in-app access to a support channel via chat and will be invited to answer questions via a quiz.
The commitment of the Technological Developers of the OO beta app
Technological developers of the OO beta app commit to oo-testers not only to respect the confidentiality of your privacy but to provide whatever support is required for the UI/UX demands that appear during OOTOPIA`s app beta-test.
Any and all feedback and/or updates will be previously announced in the beta-mode channel in OOTOPIA's digital relational environment in the discord.
Single paragraph: The OOTOPIA, through its team of technological developers, attests beforehand the reliability of the beta OO app for downloading on the beta tester's smartphone, making itself available to resolve any doubts or impediments related to its installation.
About the delivery of various regenerative content (regeneration stories)
Any and all content that has already been produced and published on web 2.0 corporate social media (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, TikTok ..), is more than welcome to be replicated in the OO beta app, from those who use it from In fact, minimally converse with the philosophies and spectrum of practices of the regenerative movement.
In this sense, for that, the oo-tester has a set of hashtags that served as markers to specify with which field and regenerative practice the content in question is inserted.
You are asked to choose at least 01 hashtag for each post, but if the theme in question calls for using others, the oo-tester is invited to do so, since their use will generate relevant statistical data on how each one understands and perceives regeneration in his own life dynamics.
Regarding the format of the content itself, it is requested to test every type in terms of definition and sound quality, but not exceeding the duration of 10 minutes.
About the OOz token and its role in the OO beta app
The OOz token is the social currency of the nascent OOTOPIA ecosystem that values your openness and interest in not only learning to lead a regenerative life but also sharing your knowledge related to regeneration through social-feed (photo and video posts), comments in third-party posts and creation of Learning Tracks.
The function of the OOz token in the OO beta app will be to test the gratitude button and the OO wallet (wallet) that each oo-tester has access to when they create their account, as well as purchase products, services and experiences directly from those who made them available (via email / WhatsApp) that will be available on the ethical beta market of OOTOPIA.
The oo-tester, for his willingness to co-create the OO beta app, receives, upon opening the account, a credit in OOz token currency (yet to be determined amount), which will serve to carry out the transfer tests of various amounts between accounts, but it will also represent real value to be exchanged for products, services and experiences in the beta ethical market.
Content Complaint
In the event that the oo-tester considers that there is information, facts, or circumstances that constitute illegal activity or contrary to these Special Terms of Use, feel free to denounce the content by sending an email to contact@ootopia.org, containing all the information necessary for the co-creators of OOTOPIA take the appropriate measures.
Reporting content does not necessarily guarantee that the content will be removed and that the reported oo-tester will be excluded from the platform.
contents considered non-regenerative: purely commercial appeal, incitement or scenes of violence, an apology for politicians and/or party-political ideologies, ethnic discrimination, gender prejudice, gratuitous offenses and explicit sex.
Acceptance Terms
By accepting these Terms, the oo-tester agrees that OOTOPIA, and all its co-creators, are exempt from any legal liability for any content sent, and especially to those that represent defamatory conduct, offensive or illegal of any third party;
The oo-tester understands and expressly agrees that OOTOPIA, through the team of technology developers, may monitor all tests to enforce these Special Terms of Use or other rules that may be published, as well as may delete or edit any content that violates these Special Terms of Use;
The oo-tester understands that he shall defend, indemnify and maintain OOTOPIA and your team of technology developers, against any claim for indemnity, damages, obligations, losses, liabilities, costs or debts and expenses (including, but not limited to attorneys' fees and legal expenses) arising out of:
a) Misuse and access to the OO beta app;
b) Violation of any item of the Special Terms of Use;
c) Violation of any third party right, including but not limited to any copyright, property or privacy right.
Types of Restrictions
The information provided upon registration in the beta OO app cannot be distributed or used by any person or entity that is in a jurisdiction or country that prohibits such conduct, as well as in those countries or jurisdictions that require OOTOPIA to carry out any type of registration.
OOTOPIA reserves the right to limit the total or partial availability of the OO beta app to any person, area or jurisdiction at any time and without justification.
The oo-tester who installs and accesses the OO beta app from abroad does so on his own initiative and is entirely responsible for any breaches of the legislation where he resides. OOTOPIA co-creators may limit access to non-residents in Brazil, on a case-by-case basis, without the need for prior notice.
General Provisions
These Special Terms of Use consist of full and complete agreement between the co-creators of OOTOPIA and the oo-tester and supersede any prior oral or written agreement made between them.
The co-creators of OOTOPIA and the oo-tester agree that, even before submitting any conflict to the judge or court, they must notify each other.
It is up to the oo-tester to keep up to date whenever notified of changes to the Special Terms of Use;
All disputes or claims arising from the relationship between the co-creators of OOTOPIA and the oo-tester, even if not contractual, will be governed by Brazilian law;
In case of discrepancy between the Special Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy, or other documents, the provisions of these Terms will prevail.
The district of São Paulo, Brazil is elected and established to settle any legal disputes;
Your privacy is extremely important to OOTOPIA, therefore we value faithfully the security of your data. The app has security protocols, which allow your oo-tester data ( password and personal information) to be encrypted and verified by the server through digital certificates, making it difficult for hackers to attack, to access non-confidential data and the overall protection of information posted in the application.
Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities
This Privacy Policy governs the relationship between all oo-testers and co-creators of OOTOPIA, currently limited to the application, but gradually covering any other regenerative experiences linked to the nascent ecosystem of OOTOPIA.
This Privacy Policy must always be interpreted together with OOTOPIA's app beta testing Special Terms of Use.
Having transparency as one of the values, this Privacy Policy is intended for disclosure and clarification of the rules imposed on data of all oo-testers, under the terms of the applicable legislation, on the platforms in that OOTOPIA is inserted, highlighting the forms of collection, use, storage, processing and protection of data.
If the guest oo-tester does not agree with the content of this Privacy Policy, he/she should not complete his registration to open an account for the beta-test.
Information Collected / Data Processing
OOTOPIA can collect information in different ways, in areas distinct, with the main objective of offering oo-testers a greater degree of personality, making the relationship, even virtual, more personalized.
Some personal information can be obtained at the time of the oo-tester's registration, and may also be collected via posts contents, being certain that OOTOPIA can collect all the information actively shared by the oo-tester during the beta test..
Any data provided by the oo-tester may be collected In the beta version of the OOTOPIA application, including forms and posts without oo-tester identification.
The collected data may be made available for improving the UI/UX experience, as well as for the development of features (and creation of others) and also, the collected data is also used by OOTOPIA for the following purposes:
i) Provide a constant design and navigability update of the application;
ii) Mapping from existing hashtags, areas of greatest interest, as well as new hashtags
iii) Improvements to the app and other Ootopia`s platforms
The oo-testers personally identifiable information will only be shared in the following specific circumstances:
i) Upon formal request, by any Public Authority, duly substantiated, the oo-testers expressly authorizes OOTOPIA to forward the requested registration data, regardless of notification
ii) When there is a need to identify or reveal data from the oo-tester that is using the beta test of the OOTOPIA application for illicit purposes (intentionally or unintentionally);
iii) Upon prior authorization of the oo-testers, OOTOPIA may share your personal data with third parties. In this case, OOTOPIA will identify the recipient of the information, the type of activities in which it is engaged and the respective purpose of data collection.
The oo-tester may oppose these assignments at any time.
Data Storage
As a safety standard stipulated by current Brazilian legislation, OOTOPIA:
- Maintains strict control over data access by defining responsibilities of people who will be able to access;
- Created authentication mechanisms for access to records to ensure the individualization of the person responsible for processing the records;
- Maintains a detailed inventory of access records for access to applications, containing the date and time of access to the beta version of the OOTOPIA application, including to comply with the provisions of Brazilian legislation;
OOTOPIA reserves the right to keep the user's data for the period determined in Brazilian law, to comply with orders issued by a competent authority.
General Provisions
Any tolerance by OOTOPIA regarding non-compliance with the provisions of this policy shall not, under any circumstances, constitute a waiver or novation, nor will it prevent OOTOPIA from asserting any rights established in this instrument;
If any clause of this Privacy Policy becomes declared null, for any reason, the other clauses will remain in force and willfully produce its effects. If the nullity comes to affect the balance of this relationship, the parties undertake to renegotiate, in good faith, the conditions established herein.
The Special Use Terms are an integral part of this document, being
that both will be applied and interpreted together. In case of
divergence between the Special Use Terms and the Privacy Policy, or others
documents, the provisions of the Special Use Terms shall prevail.
This Privacy Policy is governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil.
According to Law No. 13.709 of August 14, 2018, called General Personal Data Protection Law (“LGPD”), as the owner of your personal data, the oo-tester has the right to:
confirm the existence and treatment, access, correct incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data, anonymize, block or eliminate the existence of excessive unnecessary data or data processed in non-compliance with the provisions of the LGPD,
portability with third parties (except trade and industrial secrets), delete data previously consented, except in the cases provided for in article 16 of the law, to know which public or private entities the controller shared his data, know about the possibility of not providing consent and about the consequences of the refusal.
Learn more about the LGPD here (link)
For the solution of any disputes arising from this Term, the parties
elect as competent the jurisdiction of the District of São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Doubts or questions
If you have any questions about it or want to question any provision, or even oppose any treatment operation established in this policy, please contact the co-creators of OOTOPIA or directly by discord or via email contact@ootopia.org
For more information, carefully read the Special Terms of Use.